Monday, November 27, 2017

Passer domesticus

Have peeked and brooded over some wild life writings of M. Krishnan and EHA (E.H. Aitken). They do not seem to have dwelt on Passer domesticus (house sparrow), or missed out ..... maybe stand corrected. Maybe there were too many house sparrows in their times or rather too common unlike today where its status is uncommon, if not sweeping towards extinction. Salim Ali, for sure, has not avoided them. In the Book of Indian Birds, with colour pix, there is a write up. 'Undoubtedly our most familiar bird,... Inseparable from human habitations,' Salim Ali writes. Sir, me wishes you and house sparrows best of luck. In September, at green, Kurampala in Kerala me did not sight a single fellow. At least in Borivili (W) me still spots small gangs of them (five or six) at me housing society and on Link Road. Holy Hours at home in the morning, me watches them pecking at Marie buiscuits. Five sparrows me has seen together at the window sill. Chirp, peck, quarrel ... male wears a short brown bow, in the female absent...perhaps, the dark and light brown brown stripes on their backs separate one male from another.... and one female from her friend.. If Marie is replaced with Monaco or any other brand they prefer to skip breakfast. Marie is favoured and Rama always keeps sufficient stocks. Sometimes me am denied Marie to go with filter coffee. These days, having stopped buying and reading newspapers, spend entire morning with coffee and sparrows. Today, me saw one snapping spinach leaves and beaking shredded coconut ..... the window sill is entirely taken over by them during Holy Hours. In summer months, Rama unthirsts them with plastic vases of  water. For me Passer domesticus is top shelf.  Beginning at Lake Temple Road in Calcutta to Dombivili and now Borivili, they have been around me, not by any design, perhaps luck. In Dombivili, they nested in me blue pant put out to dry... for a month, none went near the pant. In recent times, they hop down the window sill to feast on a plate of  Marie kept on the floor. After quite a few failures, am being able to click them with me iphone... joy moments for me.Will be ecstatic the morning, one lands on me bald head... me could then feel the strength of its beak... any takers for passer domesticus?

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