Man is born free. Woman is born unfree. In India (do not know of other countries). Can women get freedom from men? Did Sita get it from Rama or Draupadi of her five husbands? Why should women plead? Will she get freedom from her father, brother, husband, son, grandson ever? Will she be left alone? Why is marriage dumped on her? Rama, me wife, addresses me, Neenga, Vanga; me addresses her: Ni, Va; she does not call me name; me calls her Rama. My mother was scared of my father. Everyone at home avoided father. Yes, the denial starts at home, me home, not our home. Rama used to address me parents, Amma, Appa when they were not biological; me never did that to her parents. When Dakhi got married into a Marathi family, her name was changed; she had to accept it; her husband did not object; but somehow her old name, Dakhi, still remains. Everyone calls her Dakhi. With prayers to Lord Ganesh, Dakhi sends Shreya and Chiyu to school. Vaidehi in an essay in The Sunday Indian Express, styled Alice in predator land, writes of an Indian mother: Listen to how a mother readies her daughter for school:
Keep it in your satchel
This blade so small
With your pen, paper, books and all
Dont forget the packet of chilli powder!
And to your bangles a safety pin
"Maa...they'll make fun"
Two hoots to them
You may need all of these.
When the time comes my dear,
By God's grace, may you remember
To use at least one of these!
Get ready, it's getting late...
Down the steps and off to school
May you come back soon and safe
And all the best, my child.
'Father Time has always been a Man,' edicts Vaidehi and none can object. She ends: 'A legal system for women, created by women, is a deeply felt need of this age and times.' Yes, me agrees but me will not grant it, Vaidehi. Power is never given away, it has to be snatched. Gods have not, men will not. Me took a dowry when me married Rama in the traditional way; tied a thali, the dog collar, for identity of a married woman; me was and am still free of any such. Over the last three years, Rama has got rid of her thali, not because of me but to avoid chain snatchers. Todays and tomorrows, females should be females and they wont get any help. As me will not help. Take to arms, grandmas, mas, wives, girls....
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