Tuesday, December 18, 2012

cars in dew.
a butterfly still on a lance of grass
waiting for a delayed sun.
kids joyously shuttle footballs.
a lighted, red cross impaled in mist.
its a city winter.  
strays are statistical improbabilities in 
ramanujan's intution.
never crow-clever, no pretensions.
stretched out, curled up, in drowsy thought
on link road.
on cold midnights howl.
chase speeding cars.
wiggle as the aged couple loaded with
milk packets, biscuits, aluminium bowls
set up breakfast on pavements.
pronouns do not embellish them 
--- one blind in the left eye, 
a second in the right eye;
--- a left ear up,
a right ear down;
--- a fellow lame in one leg;
--- some tail-less;
--- most brown with whites at odd locations;
--- two all black.
sometimes group at gossip bar over rums
and whiskies chatting cricket and gods;
the lady foots the bill, staggers out on fours;
they follow on twos;
never visit a saloon for a trim;
avoid vets for the lady claims,"they are fit."
pets in collars, on long leashes, stroll by.
complaints pile up.
an hour before the dog van, 
Link Road is clean with cars, pets, the lady.